Environmental Policy Statement
Stroma Ltd
Stroma Ltd is a privately owned limited company, which provides digital printing solutions to the newspaper and book market. Its primary customers are book and newspaper publishers, university student unions, political parties, local government bodies and other private individuals and organisations.
Stroma recognises the need to tackle the serious issue of climate change and as such is committed to minimise the effects that its business has on the environment. To achieve this goal, we are committed to taking steps to embark on a carbon reduction scheme, in the areas of waste disposal, electricity and transport that will reduce our carbon footprint by 18%, within 3 years from its current measured level of tonnes of 182.2 C02e.
To assist us in achieving this goal we are committed to working with our partners, Carbon Smart, on a carbon reduction programme aimed at ultimately achieving environmental accreditation, and Soil Association, where our FSC® certification enables you to choose responsibly sourced paper.
To achieve the environmental objectives we have set, we will:
​Reduce our carbon footprint by 5-7% in the first year of our programme.
Raise awareness internally, by means of our carbon reduction action plan, of the steps we need to take as an organisation.
Communicate and involve all of our staff in the carbon reduction programme, and outline the benefits that a reduction in our carbon footprint will have for both them, and the wider community.
Communicate our carbon reduction action plan to all of our suppliers, to encourage them to consider the actions that they may undertake in areas that may impact on our programme.
Our action plan will be communicated to all of our staff through our web site and the main notice board, in the staff rest room. The notice board will show our commitment to the programme, initial action plan and the results that have been achieved and documented at our regular monitoring meetings.
This environmental policy will be published on our website and in general communications. We will hold a full review annually, together with quarterly action.